Call it what it is, not “Harmony Day”
Call it what it is.
On March 21st, what has been called "Harmony Day" in Australia is actually the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
Although "Harmony Day" aims to promote inclusiveness & celebrate cultural diversity, it's crucial to recognise how it deliberately dilutes, overshadows, and undermines the core message of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, established by the United Nations.
Genuine unity cannot materialise without confronting and addressing the deep-rooted injustices and systemic elements that perpetuate racial discrimination, including the history of colonisation that this nation was built on.
Only by facing these harsh truths can institutions be held accountable, and racist ideologies be dismantled from policies, practices and structures in the education, legal, media, criminal justice, health systems etc.
In our interconnected world, racism not only harms the lives of those who experience it, but also society as whole. Equally, each person in society plays a role in either upholding or dismantling ideas of racial superiority that lead to disparities and inequitable outcomes.
Education is the antidote to ignorance. Promoting racial literacy and understanding is at the core of breaking down stereotypes, indifference and prejudice in society.
But for this, we need days like today to actually talk about race.
So, let's call it what it is: the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.