FREE Seminar Series
Conversations on Racial Equity
Let’s have more effective
conversations about race.
This 9-part seminar series is provided free of charge to anyone and everyone who would like to discuss racial equity with a greater degree of confidence and competence so they can proactively contribute towards creating more equitable workplaces, schools and communities.
This seminar series is a great example of our Training and Professional Development services.
Topics covered:
WEEK 1 - Introduction to Anti-Racism
WEEK 2 - Anti-Racism Empowerment
WEEK 3 - Racism and the Media
WEEK 4 - Race Equity in DE&I
WEEK 5 - Gender and Race
WEEK 6 - The Discourse of Diversity
WEEK 7 - Race Equity & Health
WEEK 8 - Race Equity & Education
WEEK 9 - Racism & Climate Change
You will be expertly guided through complex topics and themes so you can broaden your knowledge base and understand how to approach the crucial work of racial equity and social cohesion with clarity and competence.
You will be able to discuss these themes in both professional and personal settings with greater confidence as you gradually learn how to navigate the topics and the difficult emotions they bring up in us and others.
You will learn about approaches and practical actions to apply in your work and personal life that will help you design more equitable policies, foster inclusive cultures and design more effective campaigns and programmes.
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